Let's face it! the best and the most flexible softcam in Cardsharing is OSCam. Ask anyone who host a local card; they are all using OSCam. If you are a CCCam provider or an end-user with an Enigma 2 box, it is highly recommended to use it.

In this tutorial, we'll cover manual OSCam installation on Enigma 2 boxes. If you're a CCCam provider who owns a Linux VPS/Dedicated server and looking for a tutorial to install OSCam on that, we'll soon have news for you.


To install OSCam on an Enigma 2 box, following requirements must be met:

-Installation file: This can be in a form of .IPK or .DEB files depending on your CPU structure. Normal Enigma 2 boxes which have MIPS cpu structure work with .IPK like VU+ Solo Dreambox 800 HD. 4K boxes have ARM cpu structure so you'll need .DEB file.

-Knowledge of working with SSH/FTP: If you do not know how this works, read this tutorial.

-A FTP software: like WinSCP or Filezilla which will help us transferring the setup file inside the box.


In this tutorial, we'll use VU+ Solo with OpenATV image installed. The FTP software can be Filezilla or WinSCP.

1-Open the FTP software, enter your box IP address with port 22. Set the username as root and leave the password empty. Hit Enter.

2-Now, the left side is your local computer and the right side is your box. From the right side, browse the /temp/ folder.

3-Drag-and-Drop the .IPK/.DEB file into the /temp/ folder.


We're finished here for the time being. It's time to get behind the box:

1-While the box is on and watching any channel (meaning there are no setting pages on the screen) click the Blue button.

2-Scroll down to Plugins and press OK.

3-Select IPK Installer.

4-Choose Memory /temp.

5-Press OK on Install Extensions.

6-You should see the IPK file we uploaded to the /temp/ folder. Click the Green button for installation to start.

7-Should all goes well, you'll see a message confirming a successful installation.


OSCam installed! now we should place the config files including oscam.conf oscam.user and oscam.server into the /usr/keys so that OSCam be able to read it:

1-Fire-up the FTP software again and connect to your box.

2-Browse /usr/keys/ folder and place the config files into this directory.

Note: You can ask your provider to make you those config files although it is very easy to make them.


It's time to activate the OSCam softcam:

1-While your screen is empty of any setting pages, click the Blue button.

2-Scroll down to Softcam.

3-Choose Softcam Panel and press OK.

4-From the list that appears, choose OSCam and press OK.

5-Wait until the countdown is done and then you should have your OSCam running letting you decrypt paid channels.


Most images have the same settings so you should have no issues finding your way through on other images like OpenPLi, OpenVIX, OpenATV ....


Any questions? post it on WDS Community Forum and let us help you.