Need a mock Xtream UI panel


New member
Hi, so i am a programmer and currently working on a script that automates iptv creation in Xtream UI after payment, i cant really test it because i dont have one, is there anyway i can host a mock one on my pc? Thanks.


Hi, so i am a programmer and currently working on a script that automates iptv creation in Xtream UI after payment, i cant really test it because i dont have one, is there anyway i can host a mock one on my pc? Thanks.
If I understand you right, you are looking for a Xtream UI panel to back-test your scripts on the panel?


yes, i dont have a server or anything, i plan on starting an IPTV business but it wouldnt hurt to use some automation
I dont think anyone would allow you to trial your script on their service.
I recommend creating a testing environment by installing that CMS on a cheap vps, you can oder that from OVH, they have crazy cheap vps deals:
I have no coding or developing skills so cant input much in your request, sorry.


New member
i understand, but i am not searching for a environment as i can just do that locally, im loking for the code source of the panel to actually install it, the Xtream UI website doesnt work and all the youtube tutrorials are either very old or dont work